43.64.Dw Anatomía de la cóclea y del nervio auditivo

43.64.Dw.002 Comodulation masking release: a songbird as a model.
Georg Klump; Ulrike Langemann; Ingo Hamann; Sonia Hofer, Andreas Nieder.

AG Zoophysiology and Behavior. Oldeburg University. Oldeburg, Germany. Forum Acusticum. Sevilla. Septiembre, 2002.

43.64.Dw.001 Pitch perception and the encoding ofclick trains in the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus.
Daniel Pressnitzer; Alain de Cheveigne; Ian. M. Winter.

IRCAM-CNRS. Paris, France. Forum Acusticum. Sevilla. Septiembre, 2002.