43.35.Hl.003. |
Single-bubble sonochemiluminescence in luminol solutions
Shin-Ichi Hatanaka (1), Hideto Mitome (2), Kyuichi Yasui (2), Teruyuki Kozuka (2), Shigeo Hayashi (1) 1 Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry. The University of Electro-Communications. Chofu. Japan. 2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Nagoya. Japan. Forum Acusticum. Sevilla. Septiembre, 2002. |
43.35.Hl.002. |
Molecular dynamics simulations of bubble collapse at sonoluminescence conditions
Thomas Kurz, Burkhard Metten, Daniel Schanz, Werner Lauterborn Drittes Physikalisches Institut. Universitat Gottingen. Gottingen. Germany. Forum Acusticum. Sevilla. Septiembre, 2002. |
43.35.Hl.001. |
Single bubble sonoluminescence in inhomogeneous medium
Harba Naser, Hayashi Shigeo Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry. University of Electro-Communications. Tokyo. Japan. Forum Acusticum. Sevilla. Septiembre, 2002. |